Sweet Potato Fritters

Sweet potatoes are quite versatile and I have enjoyed adding them to a variety of recipes, including pancakes.  This was an overlooked vegetable at our house.  We didn't even include it in my family's thanksgiving spread when I was growing up. Needless to say, it has taken me a while to warm up to this root vegetable with a mighty sweet reputation.  Over the last year, I have found ways to enjoy it in soups and even pancakes.  This fritter recipe gets added to the list of easy favorites since it uses grated fresh sweet potatoes which means they are quick to get on the table. 

Sweet Potato Fritters

Sweet Potato Fritters

Adapted from The Endless Meal

  • 2 c peeled and grated sweet potatoes
  • 1 c grated medium cheddar cheese
  • 3 T finely chopped green onion
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp each salt & pepper
  • 1/4  tsp cayenne pepper (more to taste)
  • Oil for frying

Add the potatoes, cheese and onion to a medium sized bowl.  Whisk together eggs, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper and add to the bowl.  Stir until evenly combined

Heat a 9" skillet over medium-high heat.  Once the pan is hot add the oil.  Take a handful of the sweet potato mixture and form it into a small patty.  Carefully add to pan. After they have set, about 1 minute into cooking, gently press down with the back of a spatula.  Cook on medium heat 3-4 minutes per side. Add additional oil between cooking batches of fritters.  Place the cooked fritters on a cookie sheet in your oven on low heat while you are frying the remaining fritters. Makes 6 fritters 3" in diameter.

Sweet Potato Fritters

Here are more sweet potato recipes to enjoy.